This 11th edition of 'Ballast Water Management' sets out the current international and nation..
This Witherby Publishing book (2010) for Ship's Officers provides a good modern introduction to Bulk..
Studying for any Certificate of Competency can be a daunting task, not made easier by the need to pl..
The ECDIS Procedures Guide provides recommendations, designed to accompany a ship’s safety mana..
This 2020 edition of ECDIS Passage Planning and Watchkeeping provides best practice techniques an..
This fifth edition of Alan Branch's comprehensive and internationally established dictionary contain..
This new publication will almost certainly prove to be a major source of reference on a subject of g..
Storage agreements and their ancillary transportation arrangements are essential to the business of ..
This publication is a full account of the design and development of the fully refrigerated LPG carri..
This handbook retains its place among key insurance publications. Its basic procedural practicality ..
Helicopter activity within the marine environment continues to increase. With many manufacturers,..
Previously known as the Institute Warranties Map this laminated map is based on the 'International N..